Friday, November 26, 2010

Riser mods (and rumor has it someone is painting...)

The kick-ass 1" risers I saw at J&W got sold (guess I'm not the only guy who wants 1 inch risers on the cheap) - while I was there one of the fellas made an off-hand remark about modding the 7/8 risers I already have. Boring them out to 1". Considered it, but one thought led to another and another idea sprung up. Below is what happened.
Started by putting the risers on my father-in-law's metal chop saw. Took about 3 inches off - no more pull-back.

But this won't do me any good unless I can bolt it on to the bike.
The inside of the riser needs a hole for a bolt. It also needs a recessed area for a washer and the head of the bolt.

Started by drilling a half inch hole about a half inch deep, this was the start of the recess for the bolt head. Then I drilled a hole all the way through for the bolt.
After these two drillings were done pulled out a 7/8 inch Forstner bit and bored it out a bit more. Now it's not only big enough for the bolt head and a washer - but it will also acomodate a socket head.

All put together.
Here is the new sitting next to what was removed.

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